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Life begins  with an inhalation, the fundamental breath, a pillar of the yogic practice. Raised in Brooklyn, as a young dancer,  in the early 70s, I  rode the  D train to Ballet- James Waring,  Jazz - Luigi, Modern Dance - Limon Co. Dancers.  Performance: Opera New England, Opera Co. of Boston, Jane Setteducato Dancers, The Yard.  Educator -Dance Ned Williams NYC,  High School of the Arts Nassau County, Dance/Musical Theater Dance -The Ross School, East Hampton, NY,  Fitness/Holistic Health - David Barton Gym.   1980s - my tribe, fellow dancers, & artists, were  dying, from AIDS.  Searching  for an understanding of this tragic time, brought me to yoga, and its ancient philosophy, of  liberating  the light of our beings. I continue to practice, study and teach daily. This is my dharma. 
Certifications : Yoga Alliance 500 E-RYT, Yoga Teacher Educator, Wellness Coaching- Coopers Clinic,  Russill Paul - Mantra/Sanskrit,  Movement Analysis/Laban Institute,  MFA Arts Administration /Brooklyn College,  BFA  Dance/Adelphi University, CUNY - Anatomy/Physiology. Philosophical studies: Canonical philosophies-  Hindu Spirituality  with Dr. Edwin Bryant,  Classic Non Dual Tantrik Philosophy with  Dr. Christopher D. Wallis., Mantra & Sanskrit with Russill Paul. Current asana study/ practice - Iyengar Method, Vinyasa Method. 

My teaching has been described as comprehensive, vigorous, and exuberant.  I  educate every student in ,  asana alignment, movement flow,  and breath expansion,   combining the best of the  many yoga lineages I have studied,  and taught,  for 4  decades. Classes include specifically  Tantrik and Classical devotional mantras , Pranayama practice,  Yogic meditation, and  the philosophical  teachings of the Yoga Sutras, Bhagavad Gita, Anapanasati Suttas, and classical Tantrik texts.  Private classes are individually  created,  for optimizing alignment , breath,  conscious awareness, well being, and mindfulness. 

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